Membership of I.S.E.S. is open to service companies, ship owning, operating and managing companies as well as manufacturers.
I.S.E.S., the International Ship Engineering Service Association was founded in 1963, providing Repairs, Service and Equipment to the Merchant Marine and Offshore Industries in all major ports worldwide.
As a group, the objective of I.S.E.S. is to form an independent, high quality worldwide network of members to provide electrical, mechanical, electronic and specialised services to the marine industry.
ISES is essentially a non-profit enterprise that exists to co-ordinate and market the international activities of its member companies. To help achieve this aim it employs a Secretary General.
The I.S.E.S Association is an organization whose members have all been carefully selected to ensure that the Association maintains a very high level of dedicated and specialised expertise to ensure customer satisfaction.
We want ISES to be a renown, unified and formidable profitable global players with strategies and plans worked out today by all members to grow us and take us into the next business generation. We have the platform, we have the relationship , we have the experience and it is for us to think collectively and see how we can collaborate and grow our individual and collective businesses together.